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Introducing the STORDIS Switch Services: “Service Sessions with a Qualified Network Engineer”


We are happy to announce the general availability of our new offering to the Open Networking world: STORDIS is now offering an installation and configuration training service for Open Networking / Bare Metal Network Switches.

The STORDIS Switch Services are designed to help you understand the technology of a Bare Metal Switch Platform and how it can be leveraged together with different available Network Operating Systems (NOS). It also helps with designing a topology, configuring the systems to bring everything into an operational state and running tests to ensure the requirements, performance and service are met.

The three different service options cover a different amount of topics. Each of them includes a fixed amount of hours that can be spend remotely together with a STORDIS certified Network Engineer, who will help and guide you, depending on your requirements.

The Services

SwitchON Service (2 Hours)

The SwitchON service comprises 2 hours of a STORDIS qualified Engineer's time. It covers all steps required to bring the newly purchased system into a state to start with the configuration:

  • Connecting the system via a serial interface
  • Introduction of ONIE and how it is used to trigger the installation
  • Configuration of the ONIE interfaces and preparation to install the NOS
  • Installation of the NOS image
  • First time connect of the NOS
  • Licensing the NOS

Depending on your requirements, the time can also be used for other tasks like:

  • Topology design support
  • NOS configuration support
  • General troubleshooting
  • Technical support

SwitchON OpenFlow Service (5 Hours)

SwitchON OpenFlow is designed to help you understand the technology of a Bare Metal Switch Platform and how it can be leveraged with PicOS Operating System to enable OpenFlow capabilities

SwitchON OpenFlow Service comprises 5 hours of STORDIS qualified Engineer's time to help you start your SDN OpenFlow journey.

The session covers all the steps required to bring a newly purchased system into a state ready to start with the configuration.

  • Connecting the system via a serial interface
  • Introducing of ONIE and how it is used to trigger the installation
  • Configuration of the ONIE interfaces and preparation to install the NOS
  • Installation of the NOS image
  • First time connect of the NOS
  • PicOS OpenVSwitch mode
  • Introducing the PicOS OVS GUI
  • Basic OVS configuration via GUI and Shell
  • Introduction to Open Daylight SDN Controller
  • Connect PicOS and add Flows

SwitchOP Service (5 Hours)

The SwitchOP service comprises 5 hours of a STORDIS qualified Engineer's time. It covers all steps required to bring the newly purchased system into an operational state, or can be used for ther tasks depending on your requirements:

  • Connecting the System via a serial interface
  • Introduction to ONIE and how it is used to trigger the installation
  • Configuration of the ONIE interfaces and preparation to install the NOS
  • Installation of the NOS image
  • First time connect of the NOS
  • Licensing the NOS
  • Topology design support
  • Introduction to and configuration of the different NOS

SwitchIT Service (8 Hours)

The SwitchIT service comprises 8 hours of a STORDIS qualified Engineer's time. It covers all steps required to configure the newly purchased system with a base configuration as per your request, or can be used for other tasks depending on your requirements:

  • Connecting the system via a serial interface
  • Introduction of ONIE and how it is used to trigger the installation
  • Configuration of the ONIE interfaces and preparation to install the NOS
  • Installation of the NOS image
  • First time connect of the NOS
  • Licensing the NOS
  • Topology design support
  • Introduction to and configuration of the different NOS
  • Building a Network Fabric
  • Bringing the Network Fabric into operation
  • Running QA tests to ensure the service delivery

Read More About Open Networking

Read More About STORDIS Switch Services

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