
Test SONiC Linux in Virtual Datacenter

Now Ready to Watch – Recorded Webinar Session with IP Infusion: “#Back2Open Provides Cumulus Linux Users a Migration Path Back to Open Networking with IP Infusion”

On November 16th, 2021 we partnered with IP Infusion and hosted a webinar on our #Back2Open Program – our rescue program for stranded Cumulus Linux users. (Click here, if you want to learn, why certain Cumulus Linux Users will become stranded).

The live webinar was well received with some very interested attendees and many great questions on IP Infusion and the #Back2Open Program in general.

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone that registered and attended for the great time and experience.

However if you were not able to attend the live webinar or have missed registering for it – do not worry: We have recorded the full webinar and uploaded it to our YouTube channel. You can check out the recorded webinar on YouTube or watch it directly below:

If you have any questions on IP Infusion, their NOS OcNOS or want to learn more about #Back2Open, go ahead and check our #Back2Open Information page or get in touch with us.

Additional information as well as all the presentation documents can be found on the Live Webinar information page – feel free to check it out and share the documents with anyone that might be interested in it.

Want to Learn More About it?

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